Monday, June 13, 2011

The most Powerful Queen Hatshepsut

In the Pharaonic era,we  had several famous queens who ruled beside their husbands pharaohs, but when the king died, his wife departed the political scene because she had to leave her seat for the next wife of  the next pharaoh  .but Hatchepsut has broken this tradition to become the great pharaoh Hatshepsut, had been nailed to the throne twenty years after the death of her husband Tuthmosis second, usurping the throne from her stepson Thutmose third since he was a child of seven years until he reached Twenty-six years, then had to struggle against Hatchepsut to regain his throne, who had succeeded in the end, and the grudge that kept Tuthmosis third, had destroyed most of the great temples of the usurping queen, also his tomb in the Valley of Kings . Hatshepsut was his mother in law because he had married his daughter Nefrú Ra, fortunately several ruins of the powerful pharaoh have been restored as his great temple on the west bank of Luxor

   She was the daughter of Pharaoh Tuthmosis I and Ahmose. Belonged to the Eighteenth Dynasty. Egypt was the best country, coming territorially to Babylon. its army was the most powerful in the world and its economy more prosperous. At that time, the Pharaohs had absolute power
Maybe, Queen Hatshepsut's pity to leave the throne to Thutmose third, the son of a concubine of her husband Tuthmosis second but how she stayed on the throne many years? Is that everyone knew the truth that the throne was legal and legitimate only for the son of the reigning family Tuthmosis the third. Tuthmosis had been handled by the lover and the queen's architect, the protagonist of this game was Senmut who had invented a lie to convince Egyptians that Hatshepsut was the daughter of the great god Amun Ra, who claimed that the god Amon Ra, on a moonlit night had gone into the bedroom of Queen Ramose lay with her that she got pregnant, her fetus was Hatchepsut.that meant that Hatshepsut was the daughter of divine race of gods, much better than the real race of Tuthmosis the third but the people were not happy with this forgery, so finally went Thutmose his own throne.Untill that  date no one knows how this queen was dead;? Naturally or murdered '?
Regarding the military, despite not having received military training, during his reign there were some battles that won, was crowned as Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt. she was very clever and managed policy and all those around her with ease. For years she watched her father, his governance, operation, court, temples and the military. This helped her to win over the surrounding sectors.

Hatshepsut began to be portrayed as a man, wearing a beard even real. she ordered all the statues and images represent the most masculine way possible, and even dressed in traditional clothing worn by kings. Was probably the way the people think she was as capable as a man to rule Egyp because the Egyptians were not accustomed to be governed by a woman.
Queen Hatshepsut sent four shipments to Somalia in large boats to trade with South Africans
Unfortunately all the reliefs of the Queen are erased by the next king Thutmosis the third to remove all the queen glory and eternal life. by chance by an archaeologist has found the cartoush recorded in the temple bearing the name of Hatshepsut, previously not Now known as powerful queen

The egyptian tourism is the super tourism

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