Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The god of the land

The god Geb is one of the oldest gods of the ancient Egyptians, who was called as a creator god, was the beginning of life because he represents the earth from which humans have created and where they lived when the gods are up to heaven to live there according to Egyptian mythology.
Geb is represented in the tombs and temples as a dark green man crowned with a goose in the head. Geb was the heir to the throne of his father Shu and later  left this responsibility of the authority of the land to Osiris and next to Horus  who was the last god on earth and finally the pharaohs took care of everything on earth as heirs of Horus and so every Pharaoh also called Horus
Geb is the son of Shu and Tefnut, his wife is the sky goddess Nut, with whom he had four children are: Osiris, Seth, Isis and Nephthys. Geb is the caretaker of the weighing of the heart of the deceased in the final judgment and keeps the bad spirits as prisoners that were not fair. According to the texts of the Book of the Dead Geb is the guardian of the gates to another world, and was a god very important and played many roles in the religion of the ancient Egyptians

Geb and Nut created  the Great Egg from which came the Bennu bird, which is our world

The most interesting thing that earthquakes happen when  this god that lies with his wife, which represents an erection, Geb was the god of the mines especially in the Sinai, based on a myth that the god Geb gave his orders to open a chest , in which they have found two things: the staff of Ra and one of its strands. The baton has killed everyone who was there less Geb who was saved by a tuft of the god Ra, and later this strand has become a crocodile
According to another myth Geb and Nut were glued and gods lived there with human beings until it became a problem that people mocked the god Ra as he left the saliva from his mouth involuntarily by old age, and when he consulted the other gods have decided to separate the pair stuck  Geb and Nut Nut sky dedicating to the gods and the land of Geb to humans,so came the air god Shu to separate heaven and earth up down
According to another myth Geb and Nut as couples were forbidden to maintain body contact, but they have committed, what most angered the god who ordered the god Shu separated Geb and Nut from
to punish but Nut was pregnant gave birth, her baby was the sun rises each morning of your mother Nut to illuminate the world, and in the afternoon sun is swallowed by the mouth of representing night Nut 

The egyptian tourism is the super tourism


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