Thursday, June 2, 2011

The god of wisdom Thot


Thot is a god of great antiquity who exists in the Predynastic temples as ibis, although he seemed that originates in the Delta, the great temple of Thoth has its main sanctuary until now Hermopolis (modern el-Ashmunein) , in Middle Egypt.They are two animals that represent: 1-the ibis, 2 - the baboon, usually appears as ibis-headed man carrying a disc and a crescent moon and holding in their hands the means of writing, Thoth was the god of writingThoth is the Egyptian god of wisdom, the lord of the sacred writing, language and texts inscribed in the temples, is the messenger between gods and humans as the Archangel Guebrael in Islamic or Christian religion when he had sacred messages from God to the prophets Jesus and Mohammed. He is the patron of scribes, the inventor of the sacred scripture, the Lord of the word, the magician with excellence.: In the cosmogony of Memphis is considered the language of Ptah. The priests appear related Thot Readers who, like him, thanks to a lot of knowledge of texts and formulas and phrases, rituals and hymns and recited verses were appropriate in each situation, they appear as versed in magic, medicine and, ultimately, in a hidden wisdom whose use is both desired and feared
In the Ennead Hermopolitan, Thoth is the "Father of the Ogdoad", the eight primordial gods representing the four basic elements (moisture, darkness, emptiness, and what is hidden). The eight gods, very organized in four pairs, were inert in the ocean waters of Nun primitive and under the direction of Thoth have assumed the role demiurgic initiative, creating the first major hill. On this hill of earth had grown lotus flower or primordial egg was deposited under the various versions of the sun god was born. From there you fully understand the whole process of creating the world's origin has been launched by the operator ThotAs Thoth was the god of the moon, then he ran the Morning Star's monthly cycle and controlled the passage of time and timing as well. It was he who wrote in the fruit of the Persea tree, the sacred tree of Heliopolis, the years of reign of each king pharaohs expected Thot years enrolled in the leaves of the tree and also millions of years for eternal life
Thoth was also an outstanding warrior caracteritica defender mythical sacred boat of Ra and wrestler who ended with the king's enemies. Already in the Pyramid Texts, coupled with the cycle appears Osirian,  "He who joined the members of Osiris." Tucked in the conflict of Horus and Seth, he was worshiping in Hermopolis Parva, which was titled "He who separates the combatants" in this myth, Horus lost one of the two eyes, so he turned  blind but later his eye was restored through the magic of Thoth, which fills with  miraculous saliva because Seth damaged it
In the final judgment of each deceased Thot is present in the Hall of Two Truths which weighs the heart of the deceased. The trial and the verdict is recorded by Thoth, the official scribe.Its title was "the biggest" 

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