Friday, June 3, 2011

Bastet the giddess of the mercy


She  is a well known goddess in Egyptian mythology,she  is the goddess of happiness and harmony, is responsible for protecting the houses and symbolizes the joy . Bastet is an Egyptian name, but the Greeks adopted another name Artemis and the Romans with the name Diana. The sacred symbol of the goddess is the domestic  cat or a cat-headed woman, who always carries in her  hand a rattle human  of Music for people dancing and playing music in her honor
Bastet is the epitome of the warm rays of sun that benefit humans. This goddess is associated with the moon as a god's eye Atom to protect children and  pregnant women against  epidemics and bad  spírits.She is peaceful but when she is angry ,she  a gets very dangerous and turns into a lion-headed woman, like Sekhmet's furious, then it was two-faced goddess, a face tender and other wild side

Bastet was the daughter of Ra or Atom, but the mother was Hathor OR Tefnut, in the tombs Bastet is considered as the king's mother who had to help and protect to eternal life, so Bastet is mentioned in the Texts Pyramids and the Book of the Dead, then  she  plays an important  role in the religion of the ancient Egyptians
The center of worship of the goddess  Bastet was the city Bubastis in the  northern  Egypt,in  which have been found there hundreds of mummified cats buried in tombs dedicating memory  for Bastet  because before they took alive  these cats  as sacred symbols in temples of the goddess Bastet and when they died they were carefully mummified.
The ancient Egyptians considered cats as manifestations of the goddess Bastet, and according to legend the Egyptians had to surrender  to the Persians because they held cats against their shields, and that the Persians knew that the Egyptians could surrender not to fight a cat not even  with the enemy, so the Egyptians lost Pelusium City, the current Portsaid
In honor of the goddess Bastet in Bubastis their worship area, it was a party called, the "Festival of Drunkenness," where they drank wine in abundance, dancing and playing music instruments. This festival is made to the goddess Bastet happy to keep her happy and satisfied, and thus would not have her Bastet hungry look of the lioness that could hurt people

The egyptian tourism is the super tourism


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